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TypedQuery implementation problems

, at.debitSign, at.creditSign, at.reportTypeId)" + " from Account acct" + " left outer join AccountTransaction att on acct.id = att.accountId" + " left outer join Transaction trans on att.transactionId = trans.id" + " left outer join AccountGroup ag on acct.accountGroupId = ag.id

Query execution time issue

Entity e inner join e.person person inner join person.address address left join address.place addressPlace left join address.city addressCity left join address.county addressCounty left join person.birthPlace birthPlace left join person.birthCounty birthCounty left join person

How to convert a boolean to an int in the query?

DISTINCT m FROM Person m LEFT OUTER JOIN m.answers answers LEFT OUTER JOIN answers.persons

@OneToOne query issue with OR and IS NULL

that has another passes the FROM clause, which precedes the WHERE clause. Try LEFT OUTER JOIN: SELECT a FROM A a LEFT JOIN a.another b WHERE a.another IS NULL OR b.counter = 0 support Support Thank you very much... that works as expected! paddy Patrick Gerhardt ... another.counter = 0 is a short form of the this equivalent query: SELECT a FROM A a JOIN a.another b


> fetch(String attributeName) Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Parameters: attributeName - name of the attribute for the target of the join Returns: the resulting fetch join Throws

Database Explorer

automatically. Tabbed Windows Three tabbed windows are displayed on the left side of the Explorer ... viewer to focus on the selected object. Executing Queries The [Query] window on the left side enables ... of different Explorer components. Select one or more elements on the left side and then use

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

. It might be easier to understand exactly how this works by considering the equivalent JOIN query. Entity ... are represented in the JPA Criteria API by the Path interface and by its subinterfaces (From, Root, Join and Join's descendants). Path Expressions The Root and Join interfaces (which are subinterfaces

Issue with UPPER ?

COUNT($1) FROM com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.mitgliedschaft $2 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $3 LEFT JOIN $3.organisation $4 LEFT JOIN $1.postalAddresses $5 LEFT JOIN $1 ... .Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.mitgliedschaft $2 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $3 LEFT JOIN $3.organisation $4 LEFT

[ObjectDB 2.5.5_03] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

LEFT OUTER JOIN t.lastGeocodedPosition l WHERE l.receiveTime < :last See also this paragraph in ... work but I modified it a little bit and now it does: SELECT t FROM Unit t LEFT OUTER JOIN t ... have NPE, because OR is evaluated from left to right. I am not sure if this should be the case


variableDeclaration - the name of the variable in the outer query to bind the results of the subquery ... terms of the outer query Since: JDO 2.1 See Also: addSubquery(Query sub, String variableDeclaration ... of the expression in the outer query. If the trimmed expression is the empty String

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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